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Thursday, May 31, 2012

View from a roof...Durbs or Lourenco Maques

Any idea where this is? Notice the half a sign on the right hand side that says "BA..." Also see the ship in the distance. Just found out this is probably in Lourenco Marques, which is now maputo, capital of Mosambique. The sign might be from the Hotel Polana.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Europeans Only

Well this isn't something you see today and hopefully never will - an Europeans only bench. This one was on the beach front in Durban and shot in the 60s.

Boats docked in Durban 1960s

An amazing shot, my guess is that it's somewhere off the Bluff.

Durban beach way way back many decades ago...

Durban beach in the early days.

Durban bay back in the day...

No idea when this was taken but I'm presuming it was in the 60s or 70s and some where off the coast of Durban.

Durban Girls Collage, Durban 73'

Durban Girls Collage, 1973, I'd be interested to hear what it's like today. Musgrave Road if I'm not mistaken.

Blockhouse, Bluff, Durban 1960's

Not so sure of the year but written on the back of this photo is "Blockhouse, Bluff knocked over in a storm."

1960's South African coast in a canoe

Somewhere off the coast of South Africa.

48 West Street, Durban, 1960's

This was one of a row of Victorian era terraced residential blocks near the South Beach end of West Street. Now no longer existent this one was number 48 West Street. West Street is now Dr. Pixley kaseme Street. Now this location lies between Dorothy Nyembe Street and Joe Slovo Street.

Mayfair Building Durban, 1960's

I can just make out the word Mayfair on the side of the tallest building. this photo was taken in the 60s as far as I know. Come on people and show an interest, correct the location of this shot for me.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Durban Rickshaw

One of Durban's symbols, the classic iconic rickshaw pulled along by traditionally dressed locals.